
Photographs attract the content of acts – nude bodies – of living women, their freedom of expression and the blurry border of photograph-painting-poster.
Visual arts–just a beat of expression–punching” ideas–design acceptability in this society?
What is this exhibition actually?
Everything your mind conceives.
Everything your world receives.
The whole series was created through the passion of touch and greed for freedom. Two powerful emotions are pushing each other between pleasant odour and destruction. Between tears and momentary joy, the certain changeability of lives, people, stories and of images themselves is constantly present.
… this moment is most important …
A woman’s body has been abused many times, in photography as well. Growing up I longed for a female body freed from the grip of pornography and the image of a sexual object. Even though I could get my hands on practically every magazine in the country, the image of a woman, a woman as a being, a human, her uniqueness was missing … 
So, I created a wide range of female images through play, so called reality, photography and graphics.
A woman is introduced through various feelings, playfulness, enjoyed through the beauty of lines leading to almost absurd images that play the role of a life puzzle within a circle of more or less identical images.
Photographs are divided into three basic parts:
1. Puzzles – spectators usually need some time to surrender to a part of the body which is both the motif and the story.
2. Playfulness of composite photographs – their motif leads the spectators deceptively into their own perception of images, stories and themselves.
3. This part is most intimate for the spectators who do not think about what they see but immediately surrender to the story. Photographs in this section are intentionally of a larger format (70x50 cm – 130x90 cm).
The idea of these photographs includes everything that is said here … and more. The strongest pillar is the individual game each spectator plays – the game of emotions, storytelling, prejudice and perception, the deception game of the art work itself and how it attacks taboos concerning “correct” photography–visual art and freedom o expression.
Flashes of spectator’s life, of act–motif–story and the author are at all times present in the concept.
On one hand, I am interested in people’s freedom – how much of it dare they claim.
On the other hand, my own freedom of storytelling.
To accept masses and an individual search for giving into and accepting moments surrounded by photography.


Fotografije privlači vsebina aktov – golih teles – živih žensk, njena svoboda izražanja in zabrisana meja fotografija-slika-plakat.
Vizualna umetnost-le utrip izražanja-“štancanje” idej-sprejemljivost oblikovanja v teja družbi?
Kaj pravzaprav je podana razstava?
Vse, kar se ti porodi v mislih.
Vse, kar sprejema tvoj svet.
Celotna serija je nastala skozi strast dotika in pohlepa po svobodi. Dve močni čustvi se prerivata med prijetnim vonjem in uničenjem. Med solzami in hipnim veseljem, vselej je prisotna gotova spremenljivost življenj, ljudi, zgodb in navsezadnje samih podob.
… najpomembnejši je ta čas…
Telo ženske je bilo mnogojrat zlorabljeno tudi skozi fotografijo, v času odraščanja sem hrepenela pop o ženskem telesu izven oprijema seksualnega predmeta in pornografije in čeprav sem takrat imela dostop do skoraj vseh revij v državi, mi je manjkala podoba ki bi govorila o ženki, o ženski kot bitju, človeku, njeni edinstvenosti, …
Tako sem ustvarila širok skolp podob ženske skozi igro, takoimenovano realnost, fotografijo in grafiko.
Predstavljena je ženska skozi raznolika občutja, igrivost, uživanja skozi lepoto linij do skoraj absurdnih podob v vlogi sestavljankeživljenja v krogu bolj ali manj identičnih podob.
Fotografije so razdeljene v 3 osnovne sklope:
1.)    Sestavljanke, za katere gledalec običajno potrebuje čas, da se prepusti delu nečesa ki je motiv in hkrati zgodba
2.)    Igrivost sestavčjenih fotografij, katerih motiv sprva zavedujoče popelje gledalca v njegovo lastno dojemanje podob, zgodb in samegasebe
3.)    Ta sklop je gledalcu najintimnejši, ker se ne ukvarja s tem kaj vidi, vendar se takoj prepusti zgodbi fotografije. Namensko so fotografije iz tega sklopa velikega formata (70x50cm – 130x90cm)
V samo idejo the fotografij je zajeto vse kar je napisano … in več. Najmočnejši steber je igra vsakega gledalca posebej – igra lastnih čutev, zgodb, predcodkov in structure razmišljnja, igra zavajanja samega umetniškega dela in njegovega odnosa podiranja tabujev nad “pravilno” fotografijo-vizualno umetnostjo in svobodo izražanja.
V sam concept je tako neneho ujet utrinek življenja gledalca, akta-motiva-zgodbe in ustvarjalke.
Po eni strain me zanima svoboda ljudi – koliko si jo dovoljijo
Na drugi strain moja lastna svoboda podajanja zgod
Sprejemanje množice in iskanje individualnega prepuščanja in sprejemanja trenutkov obdanih s fotografijo.